Personal details
Contact information (private)
Desired position
In which regions are you willing to work?
Mit dem + können Sie weitere Wunsch-Städte hinzufügen. Mit dem - können Sie die letzte hinzugefügte Wunsch-Stadt wieder entfernen.
Salary (please only use whole numbers without decimal-point)
Application documents
Please upload your application documents as Word or Pdf files. The file size should not exceed 10 MB.
Declaration of consent for data processing and storage of my personal data:
I hereby give consent, that Wilbers Personalberatung can gather my personal data and subsequently save my data to the database of Wilbers Personalberatung and, under consideration of possible non-disclosure notices, process my data. The data is soely used for job recruitment or recruitment consulting purposes and the therby related activities required for these purposes. My personal data, including the uploaded application documents, will only be passed on to third parties, potential employers, with my consent. At any given time I have the right to revoke my data storage and processing consent. For this purpose sending an E-Mail with the title "Please delete my data" to is sufficient.
We are looking forward to assisting you on your search for a new occupational challenges. Thank you for your registration and your trust. Please double check your statements and send us this online form and your additional documents by clicking "Send"